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Living Room Floor Plan With Dimensions

living room design floor plan Room layout planner, Room layout design
living room design floor plan Room layout planner, Room layout design from


When designing a living room, it is important to consider the floor plan and dimensions in order to create a functional and comfortable space. A well-planned living room can enhance your daily activities and make your home more inviting. In this article, we will provide tips and ideas on how to create a living room floor plan with dimensions that suits your needs.

Assessing Your Living Room Space

The first step in creating a living room floor plan is to assess your available space. Measure the length and width of your living room and make note of any architectural features such as windows, doors or fireplaces. Take into consideration the traffic flow, the placement of furniture and the purpose of the room. This will help you determine the best layout for your living room.

Choosing the Right Furniture

Once you have assessed your space, it is time to choose the right furniture. Select a sofa, chairs, tables and other furnishings that fit well in your living room. Consider the scale and proportion of your furniture in relation to the room size. Choose pieces that are comfortable and functional, and that reflect your personal style.

Arranging Your Furniture

When arranging your furniture, it is important to create a focal point in the room. This could be a fireplace, a television or a piece of artwork. Arrange your furniture around this focal point, keeping in mind the traffic flow and the purpose of the room. Place the sofa and chairs in a way that encourages conversation and socializing.

Creating Zones

Consider creating zones in your living room for different activities such as reading, watching TV or playing games. Use area rugs, lighting and furniture placement to define these zones. This will create a more functional and comfortable space for you and your family.

Choosing Lighting

Lighting is an important aspect of any living room. Choose a combination of ambient, task and accent lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Use table lamps, floor lamps and overhead lighting to provide adequate illumination for different activities.

Adding Accessories

Accessories are the finishing touches that make a living room feel complete. Choose items that reflect your personal style and add interest to the room. Use decorative pillows, throws, artwork and plants to add color and texture to your living room.

Considerations for Small Living Rooms

If you have a small living room, consider using furniture that is multi-functional. Use storage ottomans, nesting tables and built-in shelving to maximize your space. Keep furniture to a minimum to avoid clutter and create a more open and airy feel.

Considerations for Large Living Rooms

If you have a large living room, consider using furniture to create smaller, more intimate seating areas. Use area rugs and lighting to define these spaces. Add a game table or reading nook to make the room more functional.


In conclusion, creating a living room floor plan with dimensions is essential for creating a comfortable and functional space. Assess your space, choose the right furniture, arrange it well, create zones, choose lighting, add accessories and consider the size of your room. By following these tips and ideas, you can create a living room that suits your needs and reflects your personal style.

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